Grilled Cheese and Tomato Please!

I wanted to run away, but closing my office door to the rest of the world would not be enough. I needed to get away fast!

I escaped to a nearby diner. It’s one of my favorite spots.  It’s comfortable and cozy.  Just what I was searching for…Comfort.

I wasn’t sure what I wanted so Bryan, one of the owners, suggested a grilled cheese with tomato. It had been years since I had a grilled cheese sandwich.

My thoughts drifted back to my childhood. I remember unwrapping the single slice of American cheese from its cellophane case.  Waiting for that cast-iron skillet to get nice and hot with melted butter (well back then it was margarine and government cheese). I remember patiently waiting for each side of Wonder Bread to toast to a golden-brown. And then –  that first bite, my, my, my. Cheese so hot and gooey it burned the roof of my mouth, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying every cheesy bite.

Oh, come on now! You know what I’m talking about. You’ve done it, probably still do.

Taking a seat, I began to reflect on how my day was going. I wanted to have a good cry. Everyday seemed to be filled with one disappointment after another. I felt angry, helpless and betrayed.

I decided to pull out my laptop and do a little web surfing.

I came across some stories of ordinary people living in New York City. One such story told of a woman serving as a missionary in Queens, NY.  As I watched and listened the atmosphere began to change.  Suddenly there was a sense of calm all around me and soon I could hear the voice of the Lord through these words …

Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.  Micah 6:8 (MSG)

Immediately my perspective changed. I began to meditate on the faithfulness of God and my responsibility to Him. At times I do take things too seriously and if I’m not careful the focus on the negative stuff begins to cloud my thinking.

I realize that I can’t do anything to change the chaos that surrounds me, but God can. He’s concerned about all the things that matter to me. That includes my hopes, my dreams, my fears and even my frustrations. He’s promised He will never leave me.  God can be trusted.

Let me encourage you today. God’s word says that if we put our trust in Him we will never be disappointed.  His love is everlasting and He never fails.

Listen, you are precious to Him and no matter what you may be facing today Jesus is able to give you the grace you need to make it through.

Why not take some time right now and talk to the Lord about your situation?  Whatever it is He’s able to give you wisdom and strength for today’s challenges. That’s what I’m going to do…

…Here comes Bryan with my grilled cheese sandwich. Yup, it’s as good as I remembered.


Need a Break?

by R.Giles

“If you don’t come apart and rest, you will come apart.”

Vance Havner

Life can be so overwhelming at times and we can be tempted to take on way too much responsibility. It’s so hard to say no to our friends, our family, even our church, but there comes a time when the stress of life catches up with us and before we know it, things start to unravel.

Experts feel that women are particularly susceptible to stress.  Women are the caretakers of others. Many women juggle the responsibilities of home and a full-time career.  It’s said that women spend less time nurturing their own emotional and physical needs and feel guilty about it when they do.

So what’s the answer? How can you manage the stresses of daily life?

The example was set for us in Mark 6:31.  The Lord and his disciples took time off to get away and rest from a busy day of ministry.  There were so many people coming and going that they didn’t even have time to eat.

It’s important to set aside time to refresh, refuel, & relax from the day-to-day busyness of life.  God doesn’t want us to break under pressure and so He asks us to come away with Him for a while to rest.  He is calling to you, “Come to me, so I can give you rest.” He has promised to take care of your needs.

You may not be in a position to take a week or two off to travel to some exotic destination, but you can take a walk in the park or go for a long drive in the country.  How about curling up with a good book and a glass of lemonade?  I know this can be difficult, and it may require a little help from some of your friends especially if you’re a single mom.

Finding a quiet place to rest is essential to our spiritual well-being and growth in the Lord.  After all that giving out to everyone else, why not take some time to be refreshed in God’s presence? Let the Word of God wash over you and build you up to encourage and strengthen you.

Jesus said, “Come with me to a quiet place and get some rest.”

 Grace & Peace

 Photo by R. Giles